OrangeG – Burn Both Ends

Artist: OrangeG

Song: Burn Both Ends

Genres: #indiefolk #americana

Location: Pittsburgh, United States

Release date: September, 2022

Comment: Muti-instrumentalist OrangeG is back with a new EP called The Void Bereft, which contains a few tracks that will be part of his upcoming album. Out of those, the first single is the introspective “Burn Both Ends“, a song about finding balance in life, especially when you are trying to do multiple things in parallel. As this talented artist put it: ““The song came together in the studio with gang vocals, rootsy percussion, and a singable melody that I hope alleviates those competing pressures, at least for a little while”. It truly is a fine indie track.

OrangeG is now part as well of a trio called The Roundlakes, along with John Michie and Chris James Willows in the UK. Their debut EP, “I’ll Take The River”, came out September 19, 2022. Highly recommended.

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