Artist: C.S. Fulp
Genres: #indiepop #altrock
Song: Burnout
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Release date: July, 2022
Comment: One of the downsides to having a blog such as this one is that you end up listening to so many song submissions each day that, after a while, it becomes harder and harder to get impressed by a song. It still happens from time to time though, and that was definitely the case with Burnout, a song from up-and-coming artist Christian Fulp, aka C.S. Fulp, who wrote it in an attempt to explore the sound of early 2000s rock and the transitory nature of life.
Burnout is the third single released by C.S. Fulp this year ahead of his debut EP. If the other songs are half as catchy as this single, that debut record will be quite a treat.
Featured on the following mixtapes: