Artist: Crusoe
Song: Goodmorning
Genres: #electronicmusic
Location: Unknown
Release date: February, 2023
Comment: There’s an American band called Crusoe that has a song I quite like, called “Standing on Lightning”. However, I’m not referring to them today. Instead, I’m talking about an electronic music act that goes by the same name. The Apple Music algorithm recommended them to me, assuming they were the same band, but that was not the case. Unfortunately, there’s not much information about this electronic art: it has no bio on Spotify, no official website, and Google cannot help much due to a certain literary character that shares the same name.
Crusoe got an instagram account and, based on information in the video below on YouTube, the artist’s real name appears to be Laurens Boeve. However, that’s about all the information available. What I can tell you, though, is that Crusoe is a special talent. Just listen to ‘Goodmorning,’ the last track on their ‘A Revived Love For Life’ EP. Do you hear the whale vocalizations in the background? It certainly sounds like them, and I find it really cool. Just check it out and let me know.